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Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) is releasing the following  statement following the decision from the Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in the case of Texas v. Azar:

“The Fifth Circuit Court’s ‘decision’ today could still lead to millions of Americans losing their health care once this case is finally decided. This continued uncertainty is only possible because the Trump Administration and Republican members of Congress aided and abetted this obscene lawsuit. This is health care sabotage at its finest. By supporting this lawsuit, the President is betraying middle class families and breaking his own promise to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions. The President and his GOP allies should immediately end their support, get serious and work with Democrats to build upon the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The bottom line is this: the GOP, led by President Trump and reinforced by Republicans in Congress, wants to take health care away from tens of millions of people. They are using the courts, Congress and regulatory sabotage with no plan whatsoever to replace or improve your health care.

The Fifth Circuit Court has punted on the big question of severability, and the GOP’s hopes to destroy the ACA live another day. The case will now go back to the district court, and we will hear much more legal analysis in coming days—but don’t get distracted. The GOP still wants to rip your health care away.”


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