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Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), a member of the National Security Working Group released the following statement on Iran:

"It is critical that we ensure that the Iranian regime does not acquire a nuclear weapons capability. While I remain skeptical of the regime's intentions and mindful that they have negotiated in bad faith before, it is in our national security interest for the parties to continue their efforts towards reaching a comprehensive agreement. The Administration should work expeditiously to conclude negotiations sooner than the allotted time period; the longer we negotiate, the more sanctions relief the Iranian regime enjoys without having to make new concessions.

Any comprehensive agreement should not only stall but roll back Iran's illicit nuclear program, and any additional sanctions relief should be contingent on verifiable concessions from the Iranian regime.  I urge the Administration to consult closely with Congress during this critical time to ensure that our national security interests are protected."


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