Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement regarding the latest tax plan put forth by the Administration and congressional Republicans:
“Congress’ first priority should be working to rebuild the middle class and level the playing field for our workers. The goal of any tax reform legislation should be to create jobs, boost our economy and grow incomes for families, which is why we should cut taxes for the middle class and small businesses.
The document released by the Administration and congressional Republicans contains massive tax cuts for the super-rich, big corporations and Washington special interests, which won’t create jobs or grow incomes for middle class families. In order to finance tax cuts for the super-rich and big corporations, this proposal from Republicans in Washington would add $1.5 trillion to our deficit, which could lead to cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
I urge the Administration to scrap these tax giveaways for the wealthiest, big corporations and Washington special interests and instead work in a bipartisan way to put the middle class and our small businesses first in any tax reform proposal. Tax reform is about more than cutting taxes for the super-rich, it must be about creating good-paying jobs and boosting wages.”