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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released a statement following the murder of Nabra Hassanen:

“My prayers are with the family and friends of Nabra Hassanen, whose young life ended far too soon.  By all accounts, Nabra was a good student, great friend, and active member of her community. Her murder is a stark reminder that we still have so much work to do to end violence against women, especially against women of color. I urge law enforcement to not only hold accountable the perpetrator of this crime but to work with Muslim American communities around the country to develop strategies to improve security and prevent violence.  As we all process this senseless crime and the rise of anti-Muslim sentiment around the country, it is important to stand in solidarity with our Muslim American friends who are celebrating the end of their holy month of Ramadan while mourning Nabra’s loss.”


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