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Scranton, PA - U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement on priorities for the NATO Summit in Warsaw, Poland:

“As NATO leaders meet in Poland today, it is critical that they prioritize discussions of Ukraine’s security and economic stability in the face of Russian aggression.  Ukraine is facing enormous challenges. I welcome the steps the Government of Ukraine has taken to address issues in their political and judicial systems, as well as their economy, even as they continue to fight the threat of Russian-backed separatists. The United States and our NATO allies must back the Ukrainian people’ aspirations for a secure, prosperous country. NATO must continue to stand against Russian aggression in the region, including through military cooperation and assistance to our partners in the region.

"I also urge that NATO countries join the United States in committing continued military assistance to fostering a stable and secure Afghanistan. With his pledge this week to keep 8,400 of our servicemen and women in Afghanistan, President Obama has demonstrated our country’s commitment to standing with the Afghan people’s effort to consolidate and build upon the gains made over the last fifteen years. We cannot allow our resolve to falter.”