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Washington, DC - U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released a statement following the passing of former Senator and civil rights activist Harris Wofford:

“Harris Wofford was a champion of justice and a man of uncommon courage who dedicated his life to service. From his work on the Civil Rights Commission in the 1950s to his work as Special Assistant to President Kennedy for Civil Rights and through his friendship with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, few Americans are more responsible for advancing the cause of civil rights than Harris Wofford. Harris stood with Dr. King during difficult times and never wavered in his enduring belief in equal rights. He worked with Sargent Shriver to found the Peace Corps, improving the lives of countless vulnerable people throughout the world. Harris met my father in the 1950s when they were young lawyers. They enjoyed a long friendship. My family appreciated Harris' support for Governor Casey over many campaigns and his service as U.S. Senator and as Secretary of the Department of Labor and Industry for our Commonwealth. In addition to his national service in the Senate and on civil rights, Harris served his country in the United States Army Air Corps. It's only fitting that Harris passed away on the national day of service he helped to bring into existence.”

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