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Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement today on President Biden’s FY 2023 budget:

“President Biden’s budget demonstrates his clear commitment to children, families, seniors, veterans and workers. Since the start of his Administration, President Biden and Democrats in Congress have put cash in people’s pockets, lifted millions of children out of poverty and created 7.4 million new jobs. This budget builds on that progress by lowering costs for families while lowering the deficit by ensuring billionaires pay their fair share.

“The President’s budget includes vital funding to strengthen the Nation’s supply chains, which would help ease the pressures on families’ budgets, grow the economy and create jobs. The budget also invests in clean energy and addresses the climate crisis, building on the historic investments made possible by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Additionally, President Biden has included a 20 percent increase in funding for veterans, paying back what is due to those who have risked their lives for the country.

“The last two years were incredibly difficult for many; not only for those on the front lines of the pandemic, but also the countless number of people forced into isolation. President Biden recognized this unspoken crisis by investing in funding to support Americans struggling with mental illness and substance abuse, which were exacerbated by the pandemic. These reforms, as well as the $82 billion for the Department of Health and Human Services to prepare for pandemics, will be crucial to help Americans recover and prevent future public health crises.

“This budget is a strong reflection of President Biden’s values and I will work with my colleagues to make it a reality and deliver for working families across Pennsylvania and the Nation."

President Biden’s budget includes a number of Senator Casey’s priorities, including increased funding for special education and students with disabilities and doubling funding for Title I schools, which primarily service low-income communities. The President’s budget increases funding for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an effort Senator Casey leads in the Senate every year. Pennsylvania researchers successfully compete for over $2.5 billion in grants and other funding from the NIH each year—advancing scientific knowledge and human health while supporting jobs across the Commonwealth. The President’s budget also invests in programs for seniors and people with disabilities, including public transportation for older Pennsylvanians, nursing home oversight, modernization of senior centers and increased access to technology. President Biden’s budget also makes investments in affordable housing as well as rural communities, including funding for the Appalachian Regional Commission and high-speed internet for rural communities.

The President’s budget also recommends making the Adoption Tax Credit fully refundable, as proposed by Senator Casey in his Adoption Tax Credit Refundability Act, which would ease the burdens that come along with adoption for low-income families.