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Washington, DC - U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released a statement following President Obama's actions to reduce gun violence:

“Today President Obama laid out commonsense steps that close loopholes in our background check system, improve mental health screenings and increase investment in law enforcement. These efforts have the potential to increase safety in our communities while respecting 2nd Amendment rights. Congress should move to immediately fund the President’s request for an additional 200 ATF agents and investigators and ensure that all law enforcement programs are fully funded in the FY17 budget. While there’s no law that can prevent every instance of violence, Congress owes it to those who have been affected by gun violence to consider proposals that can decrease the likelihood of mass shootings. This year Congress should devote a substantial amount of floor time to debate strategies to reduce gun violence. I am a strong defender of the Second Amendment.  Pennsylvania has a rich tradition of hunting and I believe that people should be able have guns for protection, sporting and collection. But, I also believe we need sensible gun legislation that will help to prevent these tragedies.”
