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Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the statement below following reports that Senate Republicans will forgo a vote on their Cassidy-Graham  scheme:

“While I’m relieved that Senate Republicans are abandoning a vote on the Graham-Cassidy bill, I am a no and was always a no on this irresponsible scheme. This bill would have raised premiums and reduced protections for families while decimating Medicaid. It’s time for Republicans in Washington to end this obsession with repeal and engage in bipartisan discussions to improve our health care system. Talks between Senators Patty Murray, a Democrat from Washington, and Lamar Alexander, a Republican from Tennessee, were making substantial progress until the Graham-Cassidy scheme was brought up. Genuine bipartisan compromise can improve our health care system by increasing competition, focusing on premiums and reducing costs. Neither Democrats nor Republicans will get everything they want, but the health care of millions of Pennsylvania families will be more secure. Congress also needs to take up and pass the bipartisan agreement to reauthorize the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). If repeal is shelved then substantial progress can be made to improve health care for the middle class and all Americans.”
