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Washington, DC - U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Co-Chair of the bipartisan Backlog Working Group, released a statement following the resignation of U.S.  Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Eric Shinseki.

“President Obama made the right decision today to accept the resignation of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki. As a soldier who was wounded in combat and as a general who led our troops in battle - Eric Shinseki has served our country with distinction. We owe him a debt of gratitude for his service. I agree that new leadership at the VA will help refocus attention on the health and safety of our veterans who deserve nothing less than quality care from the VA. Acting Secretary Gibson must move expeditiously to address any systemic problems at the VA. He should also immediately look into the waitlist in Pittsburgh and other problems that were reported publicly today. I intend to press the Administration and the new acting secretary to ensure these issues are addressed promptly. I also intend to continue my push for a swift resolution to the disability claims backlog problem so that our veterans can access the level of care they have earned.”
