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Washington, DC - U.S. Senator Bob Casey released a statement following Secretary Tillerson's departure from the Department of State: 

“While I opposed Secretary Tillerson’s nomination and had significant concerns about his leadership of the State Department, I find the chaotic nature of today’s announcement troubling. It’s critical to our national security that the Administration operates in a way that demonstrates competence and stability. Also, Director Mike Pompeo’s nomination to be Secretary of State raises several serious questions. I have concerns, for example, regarding his past support of interrogation policies that amount to torture. He’s been the most partisan and political CIA Director in recent memory. Instead of speaking out forcefully about Russia’s attack on our nation during the 2016 election, he’s parroted President Trump’s political agenda of obstruction and deception. Deputy Director Gina Haspel’s nomination to be CIA Director also raises significant concerns in light of reports about her participation and oversight of programs involving the torture of detainees. Torture is not only morally wrong; it is a terrorist recruiting tool. President Trump’s reckless approach is making our nation less safe. Unfortunately, today’s hurried announcements are consistent with that approach.”  

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