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WASHINGTON, DCU.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) tonight released the following statement on the Senate continuing resolution:

“I am disappointed that both the House and Senate continuing resolutions contain inadequate disaster relief.  Shortchanging disaster assistance now is an insult to those in Pennsylvania who have been ravaged by the recent floods and will set up another funding showdown later this year.  This is not what families and businesses in Pennsylvania need as they struggle to recover.

After a bipartisan majority in the Senate passed appropriate funding for disaster relief, the Republican leaders in the House slashed this funding in half.  It is frustrating that some in Congress have put us in this position again and irresponsibly forced us to kick the can down the road.  I will continue my fight to ensure that those families in Pennsylvania and around the country have the resources necessary to rebuild from natural disasters.   

With another government shutdown looming there is no other choice but to pass a temporary funding bill now.  Partisan bickering should not threaten another government shutdown nor get in the way of helping Pennsylvanians in need.” 


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