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WASHINGTON, DCU.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) ), Chairman of the Joint Economic Committee, released the following statement after the Senate passed the Casey Trade Adjustment Assistance Act:

“Senate passage of the Trade Adjustment Assistance extension is a long overdue and necessary step to help Pennsylvania workers and ensure a trained workforce.  The House should immediately pass this worker assistance and send it to the White House so it can be signed into law.   The TAA extension should be signed into law before the three pending trade deals are sent to Congress.  Waiting on pending NAFTA-style trade deals would be an insult to workers whose jobs have already been shipped overseas.

“I have been calling on Congress to extend the TAA provision since last year.  Pennsylvania workers who have lost their jobs because of unfair foreign trade shouldn’t have to wait in line any longer for help.  It is time to put Pennsylvania workers first.” 
