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Washington, D.C.—Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement on the Senate vote to provide paid sick days to rail workers:

“The tentative agreement brokered by President Biden and Secretary Walsh makes meaningful improvements in the lives of railway workers. It’s a good start, but it’s not enough. These workers have zero paid sick days and can be penalized, or even fired, for taking time off when they get sick. We lauded these essential workers as heroes for risking and losing their lives in the early stages of the pandemic. They deserve the right to take time off when they’re sick without loss of pay and without fear of retribution. I challenge my Republican colleagues to vote today to provide seven days of paid sick leave to these workers.

“For years, rail companies have systematically squeezed their workers until they now lack the basic benefits afforded to workers in other industries. Many rail workers have struggled with unpredictable and inflexible schedules, stagnant wages, and unsafe working conditions. At the same time, these corporations are making record profits. Make no mistake, we are in this situation because of corporate gluttony and rail corporations choosing profits over their workers.”