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Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement on the passing of Senator Dianne Feinstein:

“Today, the Nation lost a giant in Senator Dianne Feinstein. Throughout her career, she blazed a trail for women behind her—stepping up to serve as the first female mayor of San Francisco in the wake of tragedy that marred that city, and later becoming the longest serving woman in the Senate. At a time when only six women served in this body, Dianne fought fiercely for the issues she cared about and she was not afraid to take on tough fights, from standing up to the gun lobby to conducting groundbreaking oversight of the CIA. At her core, Senator Feinstein was a caring and effective lawmaker. She rolled up her sleeves to get things done and was always focused on how her work would improve the lives of the people of California. Terese and I send our condolences to Senator Feinstein’s daughter Katherine and the Feinstein family.”
