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Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released a statement following a news conference by the Philadelphia Police Department on the shooting of Officer Jesse Hartnett.

“My thoughts and prayers are with Officer Jesse Hartnett and his family during this time. I am encouraged by the reports that Officer Hartnett will make a full recovery. The city of Philadelphia and the Commonwealth will be there to support him and his family. Officer Hartnett showed an awe inspiring level of bravery and heroism as he returned fire and tried to capture the suspect after being shot. This tragedy is a reminder of the dangers our law enforcements officers face every single day they serve. This was an act of barbarism and the accused must be held fully accountable. I’m pleased that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is assisting the Philadelphia Police Department in this investigation. It’s important to ensure all federal, state and local resources continue to be closely coordinated so a full and thorough investigation can take place. Those who carry out attacks in the name of ISIS or any other terrorist organization must be fully prosecuted. This individual and any who would advocate similar acts are not representative of any religion- they are thugs, and criminals. We have to take every appropriate step to safeguard our communities and ensure safety, while also targeting and destroying terrorists.”
