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Washington DC- U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), a member of the National Security Working group and former Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs, released the following statement on President Obama’s nomination of Dr. Ashton Carter as Secretary of Defense.

“I welcome the President's nomination of Dr. Ash Carter, a Philadelphia area native, as the next Secretary of Defense. Having served in the Department of Defense in multiple administrations, he knows firsthand the challenges facing our nation and the Department. I particularly appreciate his strong commitment to our men and women in uniform, and their families.  He is well qualified for this role.

This is a critical time for our national security: the threat of ISIS in the Middle East, Iran's pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability, the brutality of the Assad regime in Syria, Russian aggression in its neighborhood, the transition in Afghanistan.  I look forward to talking with Dr. Carter during his confirmation process and hearing his plans for tackling these challenges while ensuring our servicemembers have the resources they need to complete their missions and return home safely. I also plan to ask Dr. Carter about how we can better support servicemembers transitioning out of combat roles and into civilian life.”
