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Washington DC- U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Co-Chair of the Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism Caucus and member of the National Security Working Group, released the following statement on the agreement between the U.S. and Russia on Syria’s chemical weapons.

"The announcement of an agreement between the U.S. and Russia on Syria's chemical weapons is encouraging news. Military intervention should always be a last resort. I have no doubt, however, that the threat of force is what brought both the Russians and the Assad regime to the table.  I have spoken to the White House and several senators about the need to keep the pressure on Assad and the Russians. It is essential to ensure the chemical weapons are removed and ultimately destroyed in a verifiable manner and on a strict timeline. We need to remain vigilant to ensure our national security objectives are met. Regimes and terrorist groups that plot against the U.S. every day - like the Iranian regime and Hezbollah - are watching closely and it is imperative that we continue to address this threat.
