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Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) releases a statement following the review of the IAEA’s report on Iran’s past nuclear activity.

“I have reviewed the IAEA’s recent report regarding the past military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program.  Unsurprisingly, this report confirms what we already knew about Iran’s illicit nuclear activity: that prior to 2003, they had a structured program to develop a nuclear weapon. I am very concerned about evidence that Iran tried to skirt international sanctions by using shell companies for procurement and by explanations that lacked credibility for their development of advanced detonator technology. 

This report paints a picture of Iran’s history of deceptive behavior and reinforces my belief that as implementation of the JCPOA moves forward, extraordinary vigilance by the United States and the international community is essential.  We must look for ways to bolster the IAEA’s monitoring and verification efforts and to ensure its inspectors and technical experts have the resources necessary to detect any cheating or illicit activities in the future. I also believe that we must remain open to the possibility that additional evidence of Iran’s past illicit activities could emerge and, if so, such evidence must be thoroughly investigated.”


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