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Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) releases a statement regarding the new Amnesty International’s report on Assad regime. 

“Today’s Amnesty International report is further evidence of the fact that the Assad regime has lost its legitimacy and that there must be no role for Bashar al-Assad in Syria’s future.  I have spoken before about the Assad regime’s brutal tactics to quell dissent: beatings, imprisonment without cause, starvation, and barrel bombing campaigns.  This report shed light on another of Assad’s sins: profiting from the extortion and kidnapping of the citizens he pretends to lead.

Thanks to lifelines from Russia and Iran, this brutal regime persists more than four years after the Syrian people began protesting its repressive rule. The Assad regime has tried to present itself as the lesser of two evils compared with ISIS. This report adds to the evidence to the contrary.”


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