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WASHINGTON, DC- U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today urged support for an attempt to overturn a Bush Administration directive that threatens the health care of hundreds of thousands of children.   Senator Casey, an outspoken proponent of expanding children’s health insurance, is a cosponsor of the disapproval resolution that would overturn the so-called August 17 Directive that undercuts the Children’s Health Insurance Program and the efforts of the states to provide health care coverage to children. 

“The Bush Administration has acted like a thief in the night by denying health care to children under the guise of a bureaucratic rationale,” said Senator Casey.  “At least 2,000 children in Pennsylvania will lose their health care coverage under this directive.  The Administration bypassed Congress and the States to undermine the Children’s Health Insurance Program and an agreement to keep the program intact until March 2009.  That agreement had to be put in place because President Bush twice vetoed legislation to expand children’s health insurance.  I would hope that the Administration would reconsider their attempt to take health care away from children. If they do not, I urge my colleagues to support this resolution to overturn this misguided directive.”






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