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I Will Fight to Keep the 911th Open and Demand Answers

WASHINGTON, DC— U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Chairman of the Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

“The Administration made the wrong decision to close the 911th and they should immediately reconsider.  I will fight to keep the 911th open and I will demand answers on how they came to this decision which I believe will have a serious negative impact on our economy and national security. The 911th employees are of some of the most skilled workers in the country and the base serves as indispensable recruitment center for the entire Air Force.  Moreover, the base has the infrastructure in place to support the United States’ most important national security needs. The personnel at the 911th  support not only the flying operations associated with the C-130, but numerous other missions including civil engineering and logistical support.  The 911th airlift wing is an essential component of our ability to protect the American people and maintaining this base is in our national security interests.”
