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Company’s Intentions Unclear After Diverging Statements

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today sent a letter to ConocoPhillips urging the company to more clearly lay out its plans for its Trainer refinery and do everything possible to protect the workers at the facility. The company had stated that it would keep staff at the facility to maintain it until a buyer is found, but recent statements indicate that the company is considering demolishing the facility if no buyer is found before March 31.

“The situation facing the Trainer workers is potentially devastating. It is made worse by sudden shifts in your company’s plans for the facility,” said Senator Casey. “I ask you to clearly articulate your current plans for the facility. Further, I implore ConocoPhillips to do its best to ensure that the dramatic changes that may occur over the coming months are anticipated and handled in the best fashion for the workers and their families.”

ConocoPhillips stated its intention to maintain the facility until a buyer is found as recently as a December 19 meeting with stakeholders. However, recent statements made by the company to workers indicate that the company could demolish the plant if no buyer is found by the end of March.

The full text of Senator Casey’s letter to ConocoPhillips Chairman and CEO James J. Mulva is below:

James J. Mulva

Chairman and CEO


Dear Mr. Mulva:

It has come to my attention that during effects bargaining conversations on January 5, 2012, a company official asserted that the Trainer facility could be demolished if a serious buyer is not identified by March 31, 2012.  I am concerned because this position would be a departure from previous statements and therefore I ask you to please clarify ConocoPhillips’ position on the short term plans for the Trainer facility as soon as possible.

To date, it has been my understanding that ConocoPhillips is looking to sell the refinery and keep a small staff on site to maintain the facility until a buyer has been identified.   This plan was reinforced at the recent stakeholder meeting on December 19, 2011, in Marcus Hook.  If in fact ConocoPhillips plans to demolish the facility as soon as March 31st, I am very concerned and disappointed that these plans were not shared with those assembled at the December meeting.

The situation facing the Trainer workers is potentially devastating.  It is made worse by sudden shifts in your company’s plans for the facility.  I ask you to clearly articulate your current plans for the facility.  Further, I implore ConocoPhillips to do its best to ensure that the dramatic changes that may occur over the coming months are anticipated and handled in the best fashion for the workers and their families.

I look forward to your timely response.


Robert P. Casey, Jr.

United States Senator


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