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In Letter Today, Casey Calls for Public-Private Partnerships to Aid Manufacturers

YORK, PA—U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today toured American Products Inc. (API) in York to discuss the need for a manufacturing strategy to protect Pennsylvania’s workers from the potential negative consequences of upcoming free trade agreements in Congress.

“We need a comprehensive manufacturing strategy to help businesses expand, innovate and create jobs,” said Senator Casey. “My tour of American Products Inc. today gave me a firsthand look at the impact smart policies can have on the manufacturing sector, and I will continue to fight to ensure U.S. trade policy works in the best interest of Pennsylvania workers and Pennsylvania companies.”

Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) is helping API modernize its software system, which will allow the company retain jobs and remain competitive. Senator Casey has urged President Obama to halt free trade agreements for Colombia, Panama and South Korea until Congress agrees to a long-term extension of TAA as part of a comprehensive strategy to support and revitalize the American manufacturing industry.  

Senator Casey today sent a bipartisan letter to the Senate Appropriations Committee urging support for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) program, a public-private program dedicated to providing technical support and services to small and medium-sized manufacturers. The MEP program contributes funding to Industrial Resource Centers across the state, which have provided API significant assistance and support throughout the recession.

Senator Casey toured API with President and CEO Jack Eltringham as well as several workers from the facility. API, a custom electronics manufacturer, was founded in York in 1983.
