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WASHINGTON, DC— U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today sent a letter to Assistant Secretary of Labor Jane Oates in support of a petition for Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) submitted on behalf of approximately 70 workers who are being laid off from the Thomas and Betts Corporation’s Reznor plant in Mercer, Pennsylvania. 

“Unfortunately for today’s employees, they will be laid off at a time when Mercer County is facing an unemployment rate of 10.1% in December 2010, placing them among the hardest hit counties in Pennsylvania,” wrote Senator Casey.  “Given the severe challenges these employees will face and the seemingly straightforward nature of the petition, I urge you to approve them for these benefits as soon as possible.”

Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) is a program to provide a variety of training, job search and relocation allowances, as well as income and health insurance support to workers who have lost their jobs due to foreign competition. 

A copy of the letter is below.

Dear Assistant Secretary Oates:

I am writing to support the expeditious processing and a favorable decision for the Trade Adjustment Assistance Petition submitted on behalf of employees of Thomas and Betts Corporation’s Reznor plant in Mercer, Pennsylvania.  I understand that on January 12, 2011, the employees at this plant were informed that more than half of their production was being relocated to a similar plant in Mexico, costing about 70 of their 120 jobs.

I understand that this is not the first time that jobs have been shifted from the plant in Mercer to the plant in Mexico and that after two previous events, the employees were certified for Trade Adjustment Assistance.  Unfortunately for today’s employees, they will be laid off at a time when Mercer County is facing an unemployment rate of 10.1% in December 2010, placing them among the hardest hit counties in Pennsylvania.  Given the severe challenges these employees will face and the seemingly straightforward nature of the petition, I urge you to approve them for these benefits as soon as possible.

If there is any way that my office can be of assistance in this matter, please contact me or have your staff contact Kevin Stanton, Constituent Advocate, at the address and phone number that appears at the top of this letter.  Thank you for your attention to this request.


                                                            Robert P. Casey, Jr.
                                                            United States Senator

