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In New Letter, Casey Cites Impact Potential Job Losses Could Have on Region

Washington DC- Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) sent a letter to Lorenzo Simonelli, President and CEO of GE Transportation, and Scott Duke, President of UE 506, urging them to continue discussions and keep the lines of communication open on an effort to save jobs in Erie. Both sides worked over the weekend to come to an agreement but the deadline passed without a way forward that minimizes job losses in the region. In his letter, Senator Casey cited the impact that potential job losses could have on the region’s economy.

“I was disappointed that GE and UE 506 couldn’t come to an agreement this weekend that would protect jobs in Erie, but I appreciate the long hours that each side put in,” Senator Casey said. “Too much is at stake to just walk away. Keeping the lines of communication open over the coming days can provide a window to save a substantial number of jobs and I’m urging each side to remain open to talking.”

The full text of Casey’s letter is below:



Mr. Scott Duke                                                                              Mr. Lorenzo Simonelli

President                                                                                        President and CEO

UE 506                                                                                            GE Transportation

3923 Main Street                                                                           901 East Lake Road 14-500

Erie, PA 16511                                                                                 Lawrence Park, PA 16531

Dear Mr. Duke and Mr. Simonelli:

While I understand that the official bargaining period ended over the weekend, I urge you to continue your discussions regarding the mitigation of job losses in Erie.  I have been informed that that both UE 506 and GE continued conversations until the deadline expired just before midnight on Saturday.  I am grateful for your efforts and ask that you keep the lines of communication open as you move forward. 

Again, I stand ready to assist you in order to avoid significant layoffs that would detrimentally impact the workers, their families, and the local economy.  Please feel free to contact me directly to further discuss how we can all work together in order to protect jobs in Erie.


Robert P. Casey, Jr.

United States Senator


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