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WASHINGTON, DC— U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) today sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar urging him to consider Pennsylvania’s role in commemorating the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812.

“As the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812 approaches, I write to call your attention to plans in Pennsylvania to commemorate this important chapter in our nation’s history and to encourage the Department of the Interior to support these efforts,” wrote Senator Casey.

“The citizens of Erie remain justifiably proud of their city’s contribution to the ‘Second American War of Independence’ and are making plans to celebrate the war’s anniversary and the nearly two centuries of peace among the U.S., Britain and Canada since the war’s end,” he continued.

Senator Casey cited The Battle of Lake Erie, one of the war’s most significant naval battles, and the building of the victorious U.S. fleet as two of Pennsylvania’s noteworthy contributions to the War of 1812. He also asked, given the importance of the war to Pennsylvania, that the Commonwealth’s role in commemorating the 200th anniversary be considered when planning for the commemoration activities.

The full text of Senator Casey’s letter to Secretary Salazar is below.


May 25, 2010

Dear Secretary Salazar:

As the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812 approaches, I write to call your attention to plans in Pennsylvania to commemorate this important chapter in our nation’s history and to encourage the Department of the Interior to support these efforts.  

As you may be aware, The Battle of Lake Erie, fought in September of 1813, was one the most significant naval battles in the War of 1812, ensuring U.S. control of the lake for the remainder of the war.  The victorious U.S. fleet, under the command of Master Commandant Oliver Hazard Perry, was built in Erie, Pennsylvania.  The citizens of Erie remain justifiably proud of their city’s contribution to the ‘Second American War of Independence’ and are making plans to celebrate the war’s anniversary and the nearly two centuries of peace among the U.S., Britain and Canada since the war’s end.  

Over the past two years, I have advocated for Pennsylvania’s inclusion on the 1812 Commission, which will be responsible for developing programs to commemorate the War of 1812 throughout the U.S. and internationally.  I have also met with constituents from Erie’s Jefferson Educational Society to learn about their plans and discuss federal involvement in commemoration activities.   

Given the importance of War 1812 to Pennsylvania, the U.S. and the world, I request that you inform me of the Department of Interior’s plans for the 200th anniversary and further ask that, should any discretionary funding be available, you allocate funds for activities to commemorate the anniversary.  

Thank you for consideration of my views. Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions or comments or have your staff contact Catherine Murray on my staff.


Robert P. Casey, Jr.
United States Senator