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Casey Has Been Consistently Pushing to Maintain 911th Airlift Wing, 171st Air Refueling Wing / In Recent Letter, Casey Made Strategic, Economic Case to Keep these Installations

Washington DC- Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) announced that a key report from the National Commission on the Structure of the Air Force acknowledges the value of the Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard, and it praises the work of the 171stAir Refueling Wing in support of operations over Libya. While the report urges Congress to give the Defense Department additional flexibility to consider closures, Casey vowed to fight against any measure that would weaken efficient and effective bases like the 911th Airlift Wing.

“This report acknowledges something I have been pushing for years - that the Reserves and the National Guard offer a tremendous return on investment” Senator Casey said. “The 911th and the 171st provide essential capabilities in a cost effective manner and maintaining these installations are critical for both our national security and our economy.  As this process moves forward, I will continue to fight to ensure Pennsylvania's essential military assets are protected.”

The full report can be read here:
