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Elements of Program Have Become Nationwide Model for Energy Efficiency / EEB Has Created Jobs in Southeastern PA, Moved Region Towards Clean Energy / Hub Has Made Reforms to Increase Effectiveness

Washington DC- Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) announced that he has written a letter to Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz urging him to support the Energy Efficient Buildings Hub (EEB) at Philadelphia’s Navy Yard, which some in Congress are targeting for elimination. Aspects of the program have become a nationwide model for energy efficiency and the EEB has created jobs in Southeastern Pennsylvania while moving the region towards a clean energy future. In the last year, the program has undergone important reforms to increase its effectiveness and maximize its countrywide impact.

“The EEB Hub at the Navy Yard is playing an important role in helping Pennsylvanians and Americans across the country begin to control our energy future,” Senator Casey said. “Making buildings more energy efficient will create jobs, boost economic growth and help businesses on their bottom lines. This program has made important strides since its creation and I’m urging the Energy Secretary to personally support it.”

The full text of Casey’s letter can be seen below:

The Honorable Ernest Moniz
U.S. Department of Energy

Dear Secretary Moniz:

Thank you for your ongoing commitment of the Department’s Energy Efficient Buildings (EEB) Hub at the Philadelphia Navy Yard.  It is my understanding that you and your staff are working in conjunction with the EEB Hub to address operational challenges.  I have been informed that your staff has made a substantial effort to provide the Hub with helpful feedback as well as engaged national stakeholders in order to refine its five year plan. 

The Hub has made great strides since its launch in 2011 and is providing valuable contributions towards building energy efficiency research and deployment throughout the country.  I am confident that the Hub will continue to produce scalable solutions of national significance.  During this time of continued economic recovery, research performed by the Hub is directly creating opportunities for job growth.  Energy efficient retrofit of buildings is a viable source of quality jobs throughout the building industry and helps to support our nation’s energy independence and innovation goals. 

I greatly appreciate your personal attention to the EEB Hub success and look forward to working with you to ensure its future success. 


Robert P. Casey, Jr.
United States Senate
