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WASHINGTON, DC—As Senate Republicans again block an extension of unemployment benefits and COBRA health care premium assistance for laid off workers, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement:

“Senate Republicans are out of touch with the laid off workers who are struggling to make ends meet.  For the second time in a month, Senate Republicans are blocking help for workers who have lost their jobs through no fault of their own.

“If nothing is done and benefits expire, 1,800 Pennsylvanians will stop receiving their unemployment insurance checks in the first week alone.  In the month of April, 6,000 Pennsylvanians would lose their assistance.  And by adding uncertainty to the process, families have to worry even more about how they will pay the bills.  And state unemployment agencies would have to incur additional expense and experience additional delays as they continually have to readjust their systems and send out new notices.

“Pennsylvanians who have been out of work for an extended period of time have enough to worry about.  They shouldn't have to worry if they will receive help because of callous obstruction by Republicans in the Senate.

“These benefits are also good for the economy.  According to economist Mark Zandi, for every $1 spent on unemployment insurance benefits, approximately $1.63 is contributed to the gross domestic product. So you spend a buck on unemployment insurance, taxpayers get $1.63 back in return.”

Currently, the extended unemployment insurance benefits and COBRA health care premium assistance are scheduled to expire on April 5th.  Even if Republicans relent, the delay could cause a disruption in benefits reaching recipients.


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