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Funding expands access, increases connectivity speed to broadband internet service in Erie, Crawford and Mercer Counties

Washington, D.C. – Today U.S. Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey announced the Department of Commerce has awarded $1.8 million for The Northeastern Ohio and Northwestern Pennsylvania Fiber Ring Project to increase broadband technology.   Erie, Crawford and Mercer Counties will benefit from the funding contained in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act).

 “Access to the internet is critical in today’s world and these investments will help bridge the digital divide so that all Pennsylvanians can be connected to a solid communications infrastructure,” Specter said. “I am pleased to see stimulus funds being used for technological improvements in Pennsylvania as it will create jobs and provide long-term economic benefits to the region.”   

“The Northeastern Ohio and Northwestern Pennsylvania Fiber Ring Project will help more communities gain access to high-speed Internet,” said Senator Casey. “Jobs will be created during the installation phase and will later open more economic development and educational opportunities for people and businesses.”

The Northeastern Ohio and Northwestern Pennsylvania Fiber Ring Project aims to increase access to high speed broadband internet through counties which have been impacted by high unemployment and low income due to low population density.  The project enables hospitals, medical facilities, schools and other bandwidth-intensive applications to enhance care delivery, educational opportunities and job creation in the region by meeting technological demands.

This funding is part of a larger announcement made by the Department of Commerce for increased broadband technology, targeted at underserved regions of the country.  

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