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Stimulus funds for Energy Training Partnership Grants will enhance sustainability of Pennsylvania’s green economy

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senators Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) and Bob Casey (D-Pa.) today announced that the Department of Labor has awarded $771,850 for green jobs training to the Institute for Career Development in Montgomery County. The funding is contained in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (The Recovery Act) and seeks to provide training and preparation for energy efficiency and renewable energy industries.

“I am pleased to see recovery funds being used to further Pennsylvania’s green economy,” said Senator Specter. “Training programs targeted at enhancing our green industry create job growth and ensure an energy efficient and environmentally sound future for the Commonwealth.”

“The federal funds going to the Institute for Career Development in Montgomery County are yet another example of the way the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is positively impacting the Commonwealth and the country,” said Senator Casey. “Creating green jobs and training Pennsylvanians to work in energy efficiency and renewable energy industries should continue to be a top priority.”

According to the Department of Labor, funding for the Institute for Career Development will train wind technicians, solar panel installers and geothermal maintenance workers.  Training in these fields will also prepare workers for employment in related fields such as construction, HVAC (high-voltage alternating current), and home retrofitting. 

“Our outstanding award recipients were selected because their proposed projects will connect workers to career pathways in green industries and occupations through diverse partnerships,” said Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis.

The funding for Institute for Career Development is part of a larger Department of Labor announcement made today that the Energy Training Partnership has received $100 million of the $500 million in Green Jobs training grant funding nationwide, made available by the Recovery Act.   The funding helps organizations to design and distribute training approaches that lead to transferable industry credentials and employment, including registered apprenticeships.
