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pecter, Casey Announce Funding as Part of the FY 2009 Financial Services Appropriations Bill

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senators Arlen Specter and Bob Casey announced today that the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee has approved federal funding for two Southwestern Pennsylvania projects as contained in the Fiscal Year 2009 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill. 

“I am pleased my colleagues have recognized the importance of these projects,” Senator Specter said.  “This federal funding will help Pittsburgh continue to establish itself as a leader in our nation’s growing tech industry.”  

“This money is great news for Pennsylvania and I am grateful that members of the committee approved this funding,” said Senator Casey.  “This funding should help spur innovation and promote economic development in the Pittsburgh region.”   

The bill will now await action on the Senate floor and must be approved by the House of Representatives and the President of the United States before funding is final. 

Funding has been approved for the following projects:

·        $700,000 for Southwestern Pennsylvania Advanced Robotics Business Accelerator in Pittsburgh.  The project, spearheaded by The Technology Collaborative, seeks to accelerate the establishment of U.S. advanced robotics product development and marketing operations in Southwestern Pennsylvania. The project will bring international and multi?national companies into the Southwestern Pennsylvania region by providing directed funding and resources needed to transition robotics technologies into commercial products. 

·        $245,000 for Pittsburgh Life Sciences Greenhouse in Pittsburgh for a Tech Belt Biosciences Initiative to move innovative biosciences concepts and technologies into the marketplace. To accomplish this goal, the Tech Belt Biosciences Initiative will provide consulting services and marketing efforts to increase resources and the formation of new technology companies in the Pittsburgh region. 

