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  • Washington, D.C. - Today U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) has announced that he is cosponsoring Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act, which would allow Americans unrestricted travel to Cuba.    “In December 2015, President Obama announced significant changes to the United States policy towards Cuba.  Decades of isolation have not brought the profound change for which many hoped. I believe it is time to take incremental steps towards a more open relationship with the people of Cuba,...
  • Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released a statement following the President’s signing of H.R. 1493, the "Protect and Preserve International Cultural Property Act," which directs the President to exercise his authority to impose import restrictions with respect to archeological or ethnological material of Syria. Casey first introduced the legislation in July of 2015. Companion legislation was also introduced in the House of Representatives. “I'm pleased...
  • Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement regarding the Department of Labor’s announcement issuing a final rule to strengthen safeguards for the health of coal workers. “Today’s announcement from the Department of Labor is a substantial victory for coal miners afflicted with black lung and their families. This is an issue of basic justice. No person who has developed black lung because of their years of labor in the depths...
  • Zika virus disease (Zika) spreads to people mainly through the bite of two species of infected mosquitoes, one of which is more likely to transmit Zika. In past outbreaks, most people have not gotten sick, so people may not even know they are infected. Based on current knowledge, the greatest risk for complications from Zika is to a pregnant woman’s fetus. If a pregnant woman is infected with Zika, she can pass the virus to her fetus. Zika has been linked to cases of microcephaly, a...
  • Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) announced that his legislation, the Global Food Security Act, which aims to attack global hunger and bolster U.S. national security, has passed the Senate.  The bipartisan legislation, co-sponsored by U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and 13 senators, calls for the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to assist developing countries in combatting food insecurity. “The need to address global...
  • Washington, DC- Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) announced that he has named Kristen Gentile, who has served as a key advisor and member of his staff since 2007, as his new Chief of Staff. Jim Brown, Senator Casey’s Chief of Staff since 2007, accepted a position at the Hershey Trust Company where he is on the Board of Directors, and Milton Hershey School where he is on the Board of Managers. “I’m grateful that Kristen has agreed to serve the people of Pennsylvania and our...
  • Washington, DC – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) is proud to announce the United States Senate has passed H.R. 1493, his legislation to restrict ISIS’ ability to profit from the sale of antiquities. ISIS has ransacked cities and pillaged historical artifacts, as it did in Palmyra, and then sold those antiquities on the black market. Senator Casey traveled to the Middle East in February to take a closer look at the many ways that ISIS finances its operations, including...
  • Washington, D.C. - Governor Wolf, Senator Lisa Baker of Luzerne County, and all the members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly are to be commended for the work they did to make my Achieving A Better Life Experience Act (ABLE) a reality in Pennsylvania. The ABLE Act will allow Pennsylvania families who have a loved one with a disability to save for their long term care through 529-style savings account, which are similar to what millions of families use to save for their children’s...
  • Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), following reports that area residents have been exposed to contaminated drinking water, announced that he has written letters to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Defense, urging them to work swiftly on this matter. Chemicals with potentially adverse effects on human health, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), were present in the drinking water of certain Pennsylvanian...
  • Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Pat Toomey (R-PA) announced that their amendment to the Federal Aviation Act that would further protect passengers and pilots on airplanes passed by a voice vote in the Senate. The Saracini Aviation Act of 2016 would require each new commercial aircraft to install a barrier, other than the cockpit door, to prevent access to the flight deck of an aircraft. The legislation is named after Bucks County resident Captain Victor Saracini who...
  • Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Pat Toomey (R-PA) announced they have introduced a resolution to honor the Villanova Wildcats and their NCAA championship victory on April 4, 2016.  The Wildcats soared to victory against the University of North Carolina Tar Heels with a winning shot made by Villanova Junior Kris Jenkins in the final seconds of the game. Villanova now holds two national men’s basketball titles for winning NCAA championships in 1985 and...
  • Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Pat Toomey (R-PA) announced that they have introduced an amendment to the Federal Aviation Act that would further protect passengers and pilots on airplanes. The Saracini Aviation Act of 2016 would require each new commercial aircraft to install a barrier, other than the cockpit door, to prevent access to the flight deck of an aircraft. The legislation is named after Bucks County resident Captain Victor Saracini who piloted United...
  • Philadelphia, PA - U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) relased a statement following the derailment of an Amtrak train in Chester, PA: "Today, my thoughts and prayers are with those impacted by the Amtrak derailment in Chester, Pa. We owe a debt of gratitude to those who came to the aid of those affected and assisted their fellow Americans to safety. My staff and I have received briefings throughout the day from Amtrak, Federal Railroad Administration, and NTSB and will continue to monitor the...
  • Washington, DC - U.S. Senator Bob Casey released the following statement on Iran: "Our policy towards the Iranian regime must be guided by four words: verify, enforce, counter, and deter. We must verify Iran’s compliance with the JCPOA. We must rigorously enforce the agreement, expecting that Iran will try to cheat and violations must be met with swift consequences. It’s important that we maintain the legislative architecture that would allow for snapback of sanctions, if...
  • Washington DC- Today, Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Pat Toomey (R-PA) announced that they have written a letter to Acting Secretary of the Army, Patrick Murphy, in an effort to protect Pennsylvania’s National Guard. The Army has said it has plans to divest from the 55th Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT), which the Senators have opposed. In a letter, Casey and Toomey said that should such a divestment go forward then the cost burden must not be borne by...
  • Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Bob Casey (D-PA), Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Patty Murray (D-WA), Michael Bennet (D-CO), and Susan Collins (R-ME) announced that their legislation, the Plan of Safe Care Improvement Act, passed the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee unanimously.  This bipartisan bill would increase states’ accountability, improve compliance with federal policy designed to protect infants affected by substance abuse,...
  • Washington, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released the following statement on his vote regarding the GMO labeling bill: “Today, I voted against ending debate on the Roberts bill to create a national bioengineered food labeling standard, as I voted against a similar proposal during the recent markup in the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. I support a national standard for GMO labeling provided that it is paired with specific disclosure...
  • WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) releases a statement following President Obama’s nomination of Chief Judge Merrick Garland for the United States Supreme Court: “Chief Judge Merrick Garland is an eminently qualified nominee for the Supreme Court who has established a record of fairness, integrity and legal  excellence over many years. I look forward to reviewing Judge Garland’s record and giving his nomination the full consideration it deserves. The...
  • WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) releases a statement following President Obama’s nomination of Rebecca Ross Haywood for the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit: “Rebecca Haywood is an excellent nominee for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals and I’m pleased that President Obama will submit her name to the Senate for consideration. Rebecca Haywood’s career has been rooted in public service. Since 2003 she’s worked in the U.S....
  • Washington DC- U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released a statement following the announcement that Pittsburgh has been selected as a finalist for the Department of Transportation’s Smart City Challenge. “I'm pleased that the city of Pittsburgh has been selected as a finalist in the 'Smart City Challenge.’ This selection is an affirmation of the work that the community has done over years to make Pittsburgh a tech hub. Mayor Peduto is to be commended for the work he and his team...