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U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) released a statement following President Trump’s remarks on the latest GOP tax plan:

“Congressional Republicans are not pursuing tax reform, just a massive tax giveaway to the super-rich at the expense of the middle class. 80% of the Republican tax plan goes to the top 1% by 2027- that’s a bad deal for middle class families and workers. Under this plan, middle class families in Pennsylvania may see their taxes go up, through the elimination of deductions, while the wealthiest will get an annual $146,400 windfall. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the Republican plan cuts $1.5 trillion from Medicare and Medicaid and uses those funds for tax giveaways to the super-rich and big corporations. It’s time for the Administration and Congress to stop advocating for this scheme to cut taxes for the super-rich and focus on raising wages and creating good-paying jobs for our families in Pennsylvania. Let’s pass a real tax reform bill  that actually helps the middle class and our communities that are still struggling; let’s invest in rebuilding our infrastructure and let’s fix our broken trade deals that stack the deck against workers.”  

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