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April 9, 2024 

Senator Casey released a study detailing how corporate greed has disproportionately harmed the budgets of women. “The Pink Tax: How Companies Tack Extra Costs on Women in the Age of Greedflation” continued Senator Casey’s investigation into how corporate greed squeezes families’ budgets.

April 1, 2024 

Senator Casey sent a letter to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Rohit Chopra urging in support of the CFPB to implement a ’s proposed rule to crack down on excessive overdraft banking penalties.

March 14, 2024 

Senator Casey introduced the Cutting Copays Act to lower prescription drug costs for hundreds of thousands of low-income Pennsylvanians. The law would remove cost-sharing for generic medications for all Americans who are enrolled in the Medicare Part D Low Income Subsidy Program (also known as Extra Help) and make less than $15,060 per year.

February 28, 2024

Senator Casey sent a letter to the Wendy’s Company expressing concern about statements by the company that its restaurants will soon move to surge pricing for its menu items. In the letter, Senator Casey pressed the company for more information about why it plans to shift to surge pricing as it reports increased sales and profits and American families are struggling to deal with high costs on food and other everyday items.    

February 28, 2024

Senator Casey lead eight of his senate colleagues in introducing his Shrinkflation Prevention Act to crack down on corporations that deceive consumers by selling smaller sizes of their products without lowering the prices.

February 7, 2024

Senator Casey sent a letter to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chair Lina Khan urging the Commission to finalize its proposed “Rule on Unfair or Deceptive Fees,” which would effectively ban junk fees on consumer purchases.

January 24, 2024 

Senator Casey released his fourth greedflation report, “Additional Charges May Apply: How Big Corporations Use Hidden Fees to Nickel, Dime, and Deceive American Families,” detailing how big corporations are tacking on excessive fees at the tail end of everyday purchases, from internet plans to ATM withdrawals.    

January 11, 2024 

Senator Casey sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), urging the oversight agency to examine the effects of corporate greed on American consumers. The letter requested that GAO examine how greedflation and shrinkflation are affecting consumers and evaluate transparency measures that the federal government can implement to help consumers identify both practices.    

December 14, 2023 

Senator Casey released his third greedflation report, “Shrinkflation: How Corporations Are Shrinking Products To Super-Size Profits.” The report detailed how big corporations are making record profits by reducing the size of household consumer goods, from toilet paper to cereals to snacks, while continuing to sell them at the same retail price.

December 14, 2023 

Senator Casey, Chairman of Senate Special Committee on Aging, held a hearing on “Understanding a Growing Crisis: Substance Use Trends Among Older Adults,” to shine a light on increasing rates of substance use disorders (SUDs) among older adults.    

November 16, 2023 

Senator Casey, Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Subcommittee on Children & Families, released his second greedflation report, “Stuffing Their Pockets: How Big Food and Agriculture Businesses Are Making Your Holiday Meals More Expensive.”    

November 8, 2023

Senator Casey, Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Subcommittee on Children & Families, released a report detailing how big corporations are using inflation as cover to raise prices and rake in record profits at the expense of middle-class American families. Senator Casey called for addressing greedflation by putting more money in the pockets of working families, making big corporations pay their fair share, fighting unfair corporate price gouging, and taking on corporate monopolies to increase competition and lower costs.

November 2, 2023

Senator Casey cosponsored the Affordable Insulin Now Act of 2023, which would cap out-of-pocket insulin prices under private health insurance at no more than $35 per month.    

September 13, 2023

Senator Casey joined 36 of his colleagues to introduce the Child Care Stabilization Act to provide vital funding for the child care industry and lower costs for families. This funding would ensure that child care providers can keep their doors open and costs down for families, even as supplemental funding provided by Congress to child care centers during the pandemic winds down.     

September 7, 2023

Senator Casey introduced his Surviving Widow(er) Income Fair Treatment (SWIFT) Act, which would fix outdated and arbitrary restrictions on Social Security benefits for widows, widowers, and surviving divorced spouses. Currently, despite facing disproportionately high rates of poverty, widows, widowers, and surviving divorced spouses often must overcome unnecessary and burdensome hurdles to access Social Security benefits and are prevented from maximizing their benefits. The bill would ultimately increase Social Security benefits for more than one million Americans.  

August 29, 2023 

The Biden Administration announced the first ten drugs selected for Medicare price negotiations, made possible by Senator Casey’s support of the Inflation Reduction Act. The drugs are Eliquis, Jardiance, Xarelto, Januvia, Farxiga, Entresto, Enbrel, Imbruvica, Stelara, and Fiasp/Fiasp FlexTouch/Fiasp PenFill/NovoLog/NovoLog FlexPen/NovoLog PenFill.

July 21, 2023

Senators Casey and Cornyn introduced the Protecting Seniors from High Drug Costs Act, which would prohibit health plans and PBMs from charging patients more than the net price of the drug.    

April 28, 2023

Senator Casey led a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FTC Chair Lina Khan urging them to defend competition from the impact of hospital consolidation. 

April 27, 2023

Senator Casey joined 41 of his colleagues to introduce the Child Care for Working Families Act to reduce the cost of child care for families. This bill would ensure that families can afford the child care they need, expand access to more high-quality child care options, and ensure that child care providers are paid livable wages. Through this bill, a typical American family would pay no more than $10 per day on child care, and many families would not pay anything for care.

March 29, 2023 

Senator Casey introduced the Senior Hunger Prevention Act to increase the minimum monthly SNAP benefit, remove barriers that make it difficult for seniors, adults with disabilities, and grandfamilies to access SNAP, and support outreach to enroll more Americans in federal nutrition assistance programs.    

March 13, 2023

Senator Casey joined 21 senators in writing to the Biden Administration to publicize the effect of the Inflation Reduction Act’s Medicare Part B inflation rebate on coinsurance in the program.     

March 9, 2023

Senator Casey led 39 colleagues in introducing the Tax Fairness for Workers Act, which would reverse a 2017 tax increase on workers. This bill would restore and expand workers’ ability to write off job-related expenses on their taxes.       

March 1, 2023

The Inflation Reduction Act, supported by Senator Casey, led to $35/month insulin price caps for Medicare and paved the way for three of the largest U.S. insulin manufacturers to announce they will automatically cap out-of-pocket insulin costs.  

February 14, 2023

Senator Casey joined 16 of his colleagues to reintroduce the Big Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act to curb profiteering by oil companies and provide Americans relief at the gas pump.

August 12, 2022

Senator Casey joined 13 of his colleagues in introducing the Taxing Big Oil Profiteers Act that would double the tax rate of Big Oil’s excess profits, impose a tax on Big Oil stock buybacks, and close a tax loophole used by Big Oil companies.    

August 7, 2022

Senator Casey voted in favor of the Inflation Reduction Act, which:
• Allowed Medicare, for the first time, to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices.
• Capped insulin costs for seniors with Medicare Part D at $35/month.
• Capped Medicare Part D out-of-pocket costs for seniors at $2,000/year.
• Expanded cost-sharing assistance for low-income seniors with Medicare, which Senator Casey championed through his Lowering Medicare Premiums and Prescription Drug Costs Act.
• Protected Medicare beneficiaries who take Part B drugs (such as physician-administered infusions and injections used to treat cancer and rheumatoid arthritis) if manufacturers continue price increases at rates that outpace inflation by reducing coinsurance for Medicare beneficiaries taking these same medications.
• Extended the expanded Affordable Care Act premium tax credits originally passed as part of the American Rescue Plan. This saves the average family of four with an ACA plan and a household income of $75,000 around $248/month.
• Provided a $7,500 tax credit for purchasing a new clean energy vehicle made in North America.
• Provided $8.8 billion in consumer home energy rebate programs.
• Permanent extension of the Black Lung Trust Fund that would ensure that the trust fund stays permanently solvent so coal miners suffering from black lung disease and their families have reliable access to the quality medical care they need.
• Awarded over $300 billion in tax credits to expand domestic clean energy production, which will lower Americans’ energy bills, create energy jobs, and produce cleaner air and water. 
• Contained Casey-led provisions to lower the cost of building new energy infrastructure with American domestic content, strengthening American supply chains for steel, iron, and manufactured goods.
• Contained Casey-led provisions that make it cheaper to develop new energy properties in current and former gas and coal communities, and sets aside billions in tax credits for new manufacturing operations in coal communities.
• Beginning in 2024, will provide thousands in rebates to families who buy new furnaces, windows, heat pumps, and insulation that will improve home energy efficiency.   

June 14, 2022 

Senators Casey and Burr  introduced their College Savings Recovery Act, which allows unused funds from a Section 529 College Savings Account to be rolled over into a Roth IRA for either the account founder or the account designated beneficiary, within certain limits. A slightly altered version of this bill would be signed into law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act on December 23, 2022.    

May 12, 2022 

Senator Casey was an original cosponsor of the Price Gouging Prevention Act, which would give the FTC and state attorneys general the ability to enforce a federal price gouging ban.    

March 10, 2022 

Senator Casey joined 9 of his colleagues to introduce the Big Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act to curb profiteering by oil companies and provide Americans relief at the gas pump.    

November 9, 2021 

In response to Saudi Arabia and OPEC restricting oil production, Casey joined 11 other senators in sending a letter to President Biden urging him to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and ban crude oil exports.    

September 23, 2021 

Senator Casey was an original cosponsor of the Black Lung Benefits Disability Trust Fund Act, which would extend the Black Lung Benefits Disability Trust Fund for ten years. The bill, with a permanent trust fund extension, later became part of the Inflation Reduction Act and was signed into law.

May 26, 2021 

Senator Casey introduced his Lowering Medicare Premiums and Prescription Drug Costs Act, which expands cost-sharing assistance for low-income assistance seniors with Medicare. The bill later became part of the Inflation Reduction Act and was signed into law.    

February 9, 2021 

Senator Casey introduced the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit Act to help families pay for the costs of child care. This legislation became law as part of the American Rescue Plan on March 11, 2021. In 2021, this nearly quadrupled the average Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) per family from $593 to $2,158, and also allowed low-income families to claim the credit for the first time, savings millions of Americans over $1,000 on care costs.

December 31, 2020 

Senator Casey announced that he secured passage of his bipartisan Improving Low-Income Access to Prescription Drugs Act as part of Congress’ year-end budget deal. This legislation made permanent a federal program to ensure low-income seniors and people with disabilities retain affordable access to their prescription medications as they transition to Medicare.  

March 22, 2020 

Senator Casey introduced the Supporting Child Care Providers and Families Affected By The Coronavirus Act, which included additional Child Care and Development Block Grant and Head Start Funding during the pandemic. Provisions of this bill were signed into law as part of the CARES Act on March 27, 2020.